
NPCs: Myth, Magic, & Retail #1

Created by Brenton Lengel

Gwen used to be a hero like you...then she took an arrow to the knee. A new comedic fantasy by Kit Buss, Zac Xeper, & Brenton Lengel

Latest Updates from Our Project:

NPCs Coloring (almost) DONE! Production Immanent + Masala Walla Chai + SECRET PODCAST PROJECT
2 months ago – Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 07:27:19 PM

Hey Folks, been a while,

So first of all Zac and I want to thank you for supporting our work Wanted to show you how far we've gotten in the 46-Page BEHEMOTH of a first issue. 

Next time I say: "It's just a few more pages, let's just go for broke and make it the best book it can be!" I give all of you permission to slap me.

NPCs #1 Update:

I was thinking of the project as one book, when in fact I realized too late that we were in fact making TWO books PLUS several more pages? Turned out to be harder than we had anticipated. Still, the work we're getting back is absolutely PHENOMINAL:

Still, my loss is your gain, because this is SO FREAKING GOOD I can't even.

We're currently on the last few pages that need to come back colored, after which time it will enter a phase of lettering and production. 

Masala Walla Chai

So, this is not comics related, but by now you guys know how my ADHD brain works (or rather doesn't :P) 


If you're on my mailing list you may already know, but my good friend Holly has launched her first kickstarter (with my help) and guess what? SHE'S FUNDED!

Holly studied authentic chai making in India, and her chai is absolutely exceptional. 

She has less than only 58 hours to go, so now's the perfect time to pop over and grab yourself some of it, and/or some of the really awesome recipes and benefits she has available:

As such, go pledge to Holly NOW. Don't wait, don't finish reading this update, pledge to her and then return!

>>>Click Here For Some Divine Chai<<

You Back? Cool. There's one more thing...well HALF of at thing: 

Secret Patreon Project

So, this is not so much a preview as it is a preview of a preview. So, I have a patreon, and as you can see, I haven't done anything with it (Yet).  

One of the things that I have been working on, is a way to get these comics to you sooner WHILE providing a decent level of benefits that DON'T require a huge investment of time, when I should be making comics and sending them to you.

As such, keep an eye on this and y other pages because there are TWO major changes coming soon. I can't tell you what they are YET. But here's the thing: You're gonna love it AND it will help get my comics to you much faster, so everybody wins!

If you want to pledge now, I will be giving everyone who pledges early either a free digital comic OR one of the upcoming SWZA challenge coins. You will get more details over the next few days.

Thant's it for now,


NPCs Inking DONE! Ringo Award Nominations + NEW SWZA Challenge Coin
5 months ago – Thu, May 23, 2024 at 05:06:06 PM

Hey folks, 

NPCs inks are 100% done and are being sent to our colorist as we speak! I'll post some never before seen pages below, BUT I need your help.

First, I need everyone to take a second out of their day and vote for SWZA and/or Durruti in the Ringo Awards RIGHT NOW. 

SWZA has already been nominated twice, and we have a real chance of winning. The Ringos are by popular vote and voting ENDS TONIGHT 5/23/24.

If we get another nomination and even a win that would be HUGE for NPCs. The more awards we rack up the more your books are worth, so please, don't wait. Don't finish reading this, go vote now. It takes less than 5 minutes.

Plus this will help us WIN next year with NPCs #1!

Suggestions below I have also included a suggested list of creators so you can just cut and paste for the other categories at the bottom.

>>>>Vote Here<<<<

Cool. Thanks so much. Here's the New coin:

Badass, right? And bearing all the hyper-detail that you expect from me. It's the perfect companion piece to SWZA's gold and silver coins:

THIS COIN features the visage of SWZA #5's antagonist Queen Skuld Half Elven. It will be sent FREE to anyone who supported SWZA #5 with a base pledge of $40+ (not including S/H).

The first twenty orders can get it for the unheard of price of just $10 a coin. The regular price will go up to $20 after that, so like with your voting, don't wait. check out the SWZAQ #5 page for the link tomorrow night.

New NPCs Art! (Completely Out of Context).


Cut-And-Paste voting suggestions below!

Best Cartoonist: Thane Benson for Quick the Clockwork Knight (Scout Comics)

Best Writer: Brenton Lengel - Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #0-5 (Scout Comics), 

Best Artist or Penciller/Inker Team: Luana Vecchio Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #3-5 & #0

Best Letterer: Hyeondo Park - Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #1 & #2

Best Colorist: Luana Vecchio Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #3-5 & #0

Best Cover Artist: Adam Bryce Thomas Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #5  

Best Continuing or Limited Series: Snow White Zombie Apocalypse (Scout Comics)

Best Single Issue or Story: Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #5 by Brenton Lengel & Luana Vecchio

Best Humor Comic: Snow White Zombie Apocalypse  

Best Non-Fiction Comic: Durruti: Shadow of the People

Best Presentation in Design: Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #0-#5

Best Hero: Rapunzel - Snow White Zombie Apocalypse

Favorite Villain: The Big Bad Alpha Wolf (Snow White Zombie Apocalypse)

Favorite New Series: Snow White Zombie Apocalypse by Brenton Lengel, Hyeondo Park, & Luana Vecchio (Scout Comics)

Favorite New Talent: Brenton Lengel Writer Snow White Zombie Apocalypse, Durruti: Shadow of the People

Favorite Publisher: Autonomous Collective

6 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 04:54:11 PM

Hey Folks!

INSANELY quick update as I'm racing to the post office. Before I left I wanted to let you know: Juan reached out to me today. He's finished his work on NPCs #1!

I REFUSE to explain this. You CAN'T make me!

Color is coming next! Then Lettering! Then Production!

IN the memetime (Heh):


If you're into fantasy, comedy, and the occasional bit of *blood curdling horror* and you somehow HAVEN'T gotten yourself a copy of Snow White Zombie Apocalypse...what are you doing with your life? :p

I know we've got some furries in the audience, and if that's you, SWZ's newest artist is Adam Bryce Thomas who did that badass "Record of Price War's" cover. He is ALSO the illustrator of IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comics. (Wait...are furries into sonic? Shit I dunno. Help me Zacq! Oh Jeeze! Oh f*ck! Did I invoke the wrong fandom? QUICK go into internet panic mode and post UwU! Is it serious? Is it ironic? Who knows?! UwU )

Anyway, WE DID IT!

As luck would have it (Thanks in large part to a decent number of you) we're funded for an unprecedented FIFTH ISSUE (6th if you got Scout Comic's 2023 Run):

We are now going for stretch goals, and are so close to a LEGITIMATELY cool one:

You guys know about those badass magic coins I make? 

Those of you who follow SWZA and Durruti know that  these are NOT your regular kickstarter coin: these are REAL CHALLENGE COINS are HEAVY, FULLY 3D, and Hyper-detailed . IF we can get this campaign to at least $1400 I will be releasing a THIRD.

The coin will be bonze, and feature Queen Sküld Half-Elven. The design of the coin will be based on historic viking coins (including that of Eric Bloodaxe) and Icelandic Krónur:

I REALLY want to make these. Like I could've just gone with a digital or card-based stretch goal, but I'm just so excited ABOUT this coin that I'm doing some legitimately insane things to try to break $1400. Including:


To hit this goal, for just TWELVE HOURS I will be offering these big-ticket pledge levels and unique one-of-a-kind or highly limited add-ons for HALF PRICE:

This includes two ULTRA-RARE SWZA Printer Plates, both from SWZA #1 AND an actual honest to god painting by SWZA Variant Cover artist Dominique Kennedy. All of these are 1 of 1. I have never offered them for this low, not even at cons. and YOU can grab them for a song:

Remember! if you pledge just $5 and comment "Claddigar's" on the page, you get a FREE SWZA Vol. 1 Deluxe Hardcover PDF for just $5. That's a whopping $20 value! On top of that if you give just $10 (+$8 S/H) you ALSO get a Free LIMITED EDITION NPCs print by Adam Bryce Thomas.

Anyway, if this goes well enough, I may even offer a CLADDIGAR'S coin with NPCs #2. Sound off in the comments if you want one. 




NEW NPCs Pages + SWZA #5 ALMOST funded! Exclusive KS Price Drop!
6 months ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 04:14:22 PM

Hey NPCs folks, got some new pages back from Juan and just...holy sh*t:

These are SO much fun and the little details and meme references are absolutely perfect:

And of course, because it's me, these hilarious moments are punctuated by sudden gut-wrenching horror:

I've always been really lucky when it comes to landing exceptional artists that just knock it out of the park, and not just in terms of the art itself but also just phenominal panel composition:


SWZA #5 is 85% Funded!

So, last time we spoke SWZA #5--or #6 if you're going by the Scout Comics release (long story)--is officially over the hill with just $1700  left to go, in order to hit goal. 

Remember: kickstarter is all or nothing. While I can put out an incredible comic, I still need your help to do so. While I think the prospects of us being fully funded before our last 12 days are out is high, I never rest on my laurels. As such I have a number of items and levels marked WAY down, starting with:

SWZA Pressworks Printer Plates

If you don't know what this is: when a comic gets an offset print run of 1000 copies or more (which is incredibly rare on kickstarter) the printing is done on massive aluminum plates, each with one of four colors (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and "Key" ie: Black ) hence CMYK color, for you graphic design nerds out there.

This means that when an issue is printed, we're left with one of each utterly unique plates, with the original ink dried in any number of configurations.

Because we can't control HOW each plate will come out, once the ink is set, you have an irreplaceable and utterly unique plate that can never be replicated, even if we did a reprint! There is literally NO rarer piece of comic merch, and YOU can get them for up to 20% off!

There are still three which haven't sold. They are:


You're getting each of these with a similar markdown of more than $20-$25 LESS for absolutely irreplaceable art by award-winning artist for a price even better than the ones I offer at cons...AND they come with a signature and certificate of authenticity! Grab one IMMEDIATELY. (Or all three, It's a great deal, and I won't stop you.)

So please, click below, and pledge what you can. Those aren't the only serious discount either, but I'll leave YOU to find the best deals on the page, which are the best deals I've ever offered!

SWZA #5 50% Funded! SWZA Vol. 1 Misprint 50% OFF!
7 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 01:43:07 PM

We're doing it folks!

Thank you all so much for all the enthusiasm you have showed. I have a very quick update that I'm writing before leaving for Indiana Comicon. If you're in the area come by and see my editor Andrea Molinari at the Scout booth!

Very quickly, while the response on day 1 was phenomenal, things slowed a bit. As I am not one who lets speeping zombies lay, I'm introducing an incredible deal: you can get the SWZA Vol. 1 Delux Hardcover MISPRINT for just $35 as a level OR you can add one onto you order for just $30!

Can you believe that?  I won't even be charging additional shipping to add it on to orders within the United States and only $20 additional for European orders (The weight of the book increases the cost of shipping internationally considerably) 

We are essentially giving the book away at-cost, so the books are limited to only 100 (50 as a level and 50 as an add-on) Pledge/add them on NOW so you don't miss out in this incredible deal, and give the campaign the shot in the arm it needs to raise the remaining $5500!
